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Residents함께하는 변화 도약하는 포항


Bank-Opening a bank Account

A resident foreigner can open a bank account by simply visiting the bank in question, whether he/she resides in Korea or not. (A resident foreigner refers to an individual who has been in Korea for more than 6 months, while a non-resident foreigner refers to a person who has been in Korea for less than 6 months.)

You can view the contents by moving the table from side to side. (For mobile only)

Visa/Immigration/Residence contents
Required Documents
  • You should be at a branch of the bank chosen by you and ask to open an account.
  • You should present your resident foreigner registration certificate and passport.
  • The branch will give you your bankbook and cash card on the spot.

You may use the cash card to withdraw money from an ATM (Automated Teller Machine)

Tax & Interest Rates
  • For a resident foreigner : Korean regulations are applied to the foreigner’s tax and interest rates.
  • For a non-resident foreigner : the tax rates are affected by the regulations of the foreigner’s country, whereas interest rates are affected by Korean regulations.
Business hours
  • Business hours : Mon ~ Fri, 9:00am~4:00pm
  • Business hours : Mon ~ Fri, 9:00am~4:00pm

Website KEB Hana Bank



Website Standard Chartered Bank

Exchange of Money

If you have a passport or foreign registration card, you can easily exchange foreign money or traveler’s checks for Korean won at local banks. Be sure to keep the slip that the bank issues as evidence of a foreign exchange transaction. The slip will help you sell your Korean won for a foreign currency more easily on your departure from Korea.

Website Current Exchange Rate

Post Office

You can view the contents by moving the table from side to side. (For mobile only)

Post Office list
DMLKorea TEL : +82-1588-0001 Homepage
FedEx Express TEL : +82-80-023-8000 Homepage
Hanjin Shipping Company TEL : +82-1588-0011 Homepage

Website Korea POST

International Calls

You can view the contents by moving the table from side to side. (For mobile only)

International Calls list
SK Telecom 00700 International Call Service Homepage
KT 001 International Call Service Homepage
Sejong Telecom 00365 International Call Service Homepage
LG U+ 002 International Call Service Homepage
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