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Culture&Tourism함께하는 변화 도약하는 포항

Homigot Sunrise Festival

Homigot Sunrise Festival

Every year at Homigot, during the afternoon of December 31, the sun rises first on the Korean Peninsula. The Humigot Korean Sunrise Festival, held for two days in January from the morning of the New Year, started in 1999 and is still running every year.

The Sunrise Celebration of the Korean People promotes Homigot locally and internationally through various events and other programs different from other sunrise events. Through this effort, 200 million tourists visit Homigot annually and contribute about 20 billion won, significantly improving the local economy.

Homigot Tourist Site in Homigot-myeon, Nam-gu
December 31~January 1 every year
Approximately 200,000 people a year
Organized by
Pohang City
Pohang Cultural Foundation
페이지 만족도

이 페이지에서 제공하는 정보에 대해 만족하십니까?