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Culture&Tourism함께하는 변화 도약하는 포항

Pohang Canal Festival

Pohang Canal Festival

Pohang Dong Bin Inner Harbor where Huangpu Sailboat went 100 years ago!

A global steel industry city is emerging as a new marine culture city. Through the festive contest of the East Coast residents, the contest is held in a fierce open-air local Getmigi Bangti riding festival where all the people laugh and enjoy. In addition, the youth recreates the environment and creativity by creating ECO-BOAT using recycled products.

Pohang Canal Ilwon (Between the Songrim Bridge - Songdo Bridge)
2017. 9/23 (Sat) 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, 9/24 (Sun) 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
  • Main Event : Bangti Riding Contest, Gyeongbuk Youth Eco Boat Contest
  • Participation and other events : Demonstration of various marine sports (water board, water bicycle, etc.)
  • Other on-the-spot events : Bangti Tug-of-war, Bangti hula hoop, Bangti golf
  • Smartphone filming contest, Canal Parade, Pohang Canal Festival Celebrating Performance, etc.
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